GR Re: Wernher von Braun Quote

Malignd malignd at
Tue Jul 27 11:09:13 CDT 2004

<<The von Braun quote also speaks the gospel of the
contemporary gnostic: despise the body, the Earth and
all creation, this earthly life, and flee elsewhere -
into alienation, into space, the eventual escape to
reunite with the true God somewhere very far away; the
disposable-Earth mentality that leads the modern
gnostic to rape the planet for personal gain and to
sacrifice life and love to technology and the War that
never ends. If nothing ever really dies, They can feel
comfortable in doing whatever they want to do in the
meantime, for profit or pleasure. The rapture of the
born-again Bushite.>>

Is anyone else having trouble with the p-list server? 
This arrived in my box with Scoop's address, whereas
it appears to have been written by Glenn Scheper ...

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