
KXX4493553 at aol.com KXX4493553 at aol.com
Wed Jul 28 02:50:37 CDT 2004

Perhaps nothing new for the Americans here, but perhaps for the others: 


“What the @#$% are we going to do for the 2004 election?”

That may sound like a trivial question to you dear reader, but when 

your entire livelihood is hanging in the balance, I can assure you it 

is not. You see, if we create something great, millions of people 

visit our site, we make a few bucks and we get some killer publicity. 

Our parents and wives will be proud of us. If we pop out a turd, you 

stop visiting our site, entertainment execs stop thinking we’re cool, 

and my brother and I have to get real jobs. Please don’t make us do 

that. We love making cartoons for you.

We had a hard time finding the “funny” in this year’s election 

(unfortunately our Muse does not follow election cycles). We tried 

dressing the candidates like the Village People, but John Kerry in 

leather ass-chaps was too frightening for words. The problem we were 

having was that there were enormous issues at stake, but both the 

candidates’ public dialogue and the mass media’s coverage of it felt 

devoid of substance at best, and at worst, downright inane! That’s 

where we found the “funny”.

We decided a parody of the late, great political song writer, Woody 

Guthrie, was the way to go. If he were alive, what would he be 

singing? In a few weeks time we had lyrics, a fantastic music track 

by my virtuoso sister-in-law, Adrienne, and another perfect 

performance by the magical Jim Meskimen in the proverbial can. My eye 

stopped ticking and Evan stopped drawing smiley faces everywhere.

So it is with great pleasure that we present to you our humble 

contribution to the public discourse this election season. We think 

it’s funny to see Bush in a cowboy hat riding a missile or John Kerry 

showing off Purple Hearts like they’re cheap Rolex knock-offs. We can 

relate. We’ve worn cowboy hats. We’ve shown off things we’re proud 

of. I’ve never ridden a missile (and, as far as I know, neither has 

Evan *), but if that’s your thing, go for it.

We hope you enjoy it. We hope you send it to your friends. We hope it 

helps you lose weight if you’re fat or grow hair if you’re bald. We 

hope it challenges you to think hard about the complex geopolitical 

issues of our time and make the right decision this November. And, if 

all else fails, we hope it gives you the courage to move to Montana 

and join a militia if this election gets any stupider.

Hugs and Kisses,

Gregg & Evan (a.k.a., Grevan) Spiridellis

* There are some things even brothers don’t talk about, but after 

publication of this blog entry, Evan confirmed that he has never 

ridden a missile either.

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