aw. Re: Rainbow & Parabola (was NP)
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Wed Jul 28 09:09:17 CDT 2004
> That's fucking ingenious. I love it. Magic Eyes?
Wouldn't you know my interlinear bible shows rainbow
is Greek IRIS? In English iris is the eye color ring.
Hence, for the son of man to come on his forehead,
draining into the eyes, is to receive his father's
name on his forehead. It is also the sword-bridge
ending in gates to keep out the evil frost giants,
which gates are the eyebrows of YMIR:
Mythology Notes
<<Mimir is the god who guards the well of knowledge of the
future. He won't let anyone drink from it. The well of
Niflheim is the spring of Hvergelmir. The only way into
Asgard is to go across a bridge called Bifrost (the rainbow).
The Aesir don't want Frost Giants in their city. So there
is a gate at the end of the bridge made of Ymir's eyebrows.>>
This is also that "over the rainbow" mentioned earlier.
BTW, having distinguished the name (erection) from the
word (ejaculation), one can see that Lucifer, the Son
of the Morning, is only a flash in the pan compared to
the Ancient (or ARCHE, chief) of Days. This evil names
father fellatee; versus the self-father made Word made
Holy Spirt; then Panic earth spirit, then water, blood.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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