OT: 1st reading of GR

Ghetta Life ghetta_outta at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 8 09:11:15 CDT 2004

It's entirely possible that this is a publisher's error.

>From: "albert pulido" <albertpulido at hotmail.com>
>On the topic of reading GR, I'm also on my first reading and encountered on 
>page 411 a parenthesis that doesn't seem to get closed. I *think* I've seen 
>something like this before in the text. Is a parenthesis in this case a 
>device Pynchon uses to segue, not feeling the need to close them (it's 5 
>pages later and the plot has seemed to move on)-- only using them as 
>If so, that's pretty cool. Has anyone seen something like this from another 
>author? Or does the ( eventualy get closed and I haven't gotten there yet?

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