What was not mentioned in GR

KXX4493553 at aol.com KXX4493553 at aol.com
Wed Jun 9 18:26:58 CDT 2004

Just saw in the First German public tv (ARD) a documentary film about the  so 
called "Alps Fortress" where the leaders of the SS waited for the American  
troops in spring 45, thinking they could be used for the fight against the Red  
Army.  The Alps Fortress was a system of air-raid shelters, underground  
manufacturing plants, roads, airfields a. s. o., located between South East  
Bavaria, Vienna and the so called Oetztal at the Italian-Austrian border,  where in 
1991 "Oetzi", the famous mummy, was found.
The centre of this SS realm was Alt Aussee, a village and a lake in Tirol,  
The SS had the intention to make an agreement with the Western Allies, the  
American and British troops, which includes a cease-fire or the unconditional  
surrender; later, so the SS plans, they hoped to fight together  with the 
Western Allies  against the Red Army. Otherwise, so they  threatened, they would 
continue the "total war".
The whole resources of the Third Reich were concentrated peu à peu in  the 
Alps Fortress. The Peenemuende scientists, Wernher von Braun and his crew,  the 
forced workers and KZ prisoners "moved" to Ebensee in the near of Alt Aussee  
to build the ME 262, the first bomber with jet propulsion, the V 2, AND a  
planned intercontinental ballistic missile which could reach New York. Also  
radioactive material was transported to Ebensee, if they really planned to build  
an A-bomb is not quite clear.
But the SS also concentrated "priviliged" prisoners in the Alpes fortress,  
f. e. Schuschnik, the last Austrian chancellor before the "Anschluss",  
Niemoeller, members of the Thyssen family, French bishops a. s. o. They were  
But there were quarrels among the SS leaders. Kaltenbrunner wanted to  
continue the war, but his subordinate, a man called Wolf, began secret  negotations 
with the American secret service at the Lago Maggiore and in  Switzerland. 
Wolf wanted to end the war, and to reach a unconditional surrender  for the 
German troops in the occupied Northern Italy ("Salò"). An Austrian  resistance 
fighter said in the film that he once had a meeting with the American  secret 
service in Switzerland where he saw two men, dressed as civilians, but he  
immediately recognized them as SS men. It was Wolf and another SS guy.
The offer Wolf made to the American troops had a cover name: "Operation  
sunrise". Operation sunrise began a race with the Kaltenbrunner plans for  
continuing the war. Thanks God, sunrise won. The contract for the unconditional  
surrender was signed in Bozen, Bolzano, Italy, and Wolf became a POW.  
Kaltenbrunner was also captured, and Niemoeller, Schuschnik, the forced workers  and KZ 
prisoners were liberated - if they survived.  


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