Pynchon & Italian football

James Kyllo jkyllo at
Tue Jun 22 12:10:16 CDT 2004

Not to speak of the failure to award the Latvians 2 penalties
vs Germany, or the sending off of the Russian keeper..


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: cfalbert 
  To: pynchon-l at 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 4:30 PM
  Subject: Re: Pynchon & Italian football

  The nerve.....

  The reffing in the France/Croatia and Italy/Sweden matches was so 
  manifestly corrupt that it turns the stomach...

  France's equalizer against the Croats was scored after a blatant hand ball. 
  In the Sweden match, an Italian defender, clearly outmanned in the box, 
  simply raised his hands above his head to knock down a corner kick, and was 
  given a free kick on a "push". I cannot figure how a man pushed from behind 
  winds up reflexively throwing his hands directly above his head, while 
  remaining perfectly upright.....The italians scored shortly thereafter on a 
  play which was clearly offsides....

  I certainly hope the scandinavians play to a high scoring tie, and by means 
  fair or foul eliminate the Azzuri....

  Let UEFA spin on that....


  At 10:30 AM 6/22/04, you wrote:

  >[...] Of course, if Italian conspiracy theorists are
  >to be believed, all talk of players, shapes and
  >systems is academic, and the Scandinavians will strike
  >a deal to play out the 2-2 draw that, thanks to Uefa's
  >complicated and illogical rules (see panel), will see
  >both through no matter what Italy do against Bulgaria
  >- a suggestion dismissed as "ridiculous" by Olsen.
  >Their fears probably say more about Italian football -
  >which resembles sport as written by Thomas Pynchon,
  >riddled by corruption and paranoia - than it does of
  >the reality, but the instinctive defence that Danes
  >and Swedes are bitter rivals doesn't wash.[...]
  > From today's Financial Times:
  >"Swedes hope diamond sparkles"
  >Do you Yahoo!?
  >Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

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