New Cormac McCarthy?

Richard Romeo r.romeo at
Tue Jun 22 16:27:23 CDT 2004

>From the McCarthy list:


A good source says that McCarthy is finishing up his book on
drug-running along the border. It's based on another of his unproduced
screenplays called "No Place for Old Men" or some variation of that. I
don't think any of us has seen this screenplay; I know I haven't. He
will return to the New Orleans book, which he had put aside, as soon as
he wraps up "Old Men." Apparently he needed to step back from it and is
now ready to finish it, too. The New Orleans book (I don't know what
else to call it, and we're not even sure how much of it takes place in
New Orleans) seems to be the more ambitious of the two works, but we'll
see. You could draw a comparison to Faulkner's putting aside "Absalom,
Absalom!" and writing "Pylon," and then returning to the big book. All
this is speculation, of course, but it does give hope that new book(s)
will be coming out before the terrorists get us.




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