the postmodern condition

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Tue Jun 29 11:35:31 CDT 2004

> > Get over it.  For good or ill, "postmodern" has
> > escaped the grasp of jargon-hoarding specialists
> and
> > is used widely in many contexts.

> If your above argument is enough to justify the
> wrong use of a special term
> I can call every politician a fascist, every soldier
> a terrorist and every
> freedom fighter a terrorist.

It's no argument, it's an observation.  People use
"postmodern" in all sorts of contexts, to convey a
range of meanings, without stopping to check with the
specialists who use "postmodern" in specific ways. Ted
Rall, and others who now use "postmodern" don't,
apparently, feel the need to check with you or me
before they do. Language evolves, you can't stop that

> I bet you mostly agree to this, Doug :-))

You lose the bet. Check for the articles
I'm reading and agreeing with this morning. (And has a new post today, too.)

====="on a need to know basis"

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