There Are No Postmodernists In a Foxhole

Otto ottosell at
Wed Jun 30 12:35:49 CDT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "pynchonoid" <pynchonoid at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: There Are No Postmodernists In a Foxhole

> --- Otto <ottosell at> wrote:
> > Isn't this a contradiction in itself? Hasn't
> > postmodernism deconstructed all
> > champions and heroism?
> Apparently not, considering the
> heroic-bordering-on-bombastic tone and terms some
> writers use to trumpet postmodernisms advantages,
> touting it as a worldview superior in one or another
> way to those it claims to deconstruct.  ;)
> Having said that, let me hasten to add, nobody enjoys
> a thoughful poststructuralist/postcolonialist/post*
> analysis -- the book _Drug Wars: The Political Economy
> of Narcotics_ by Curtis Marez that I'm finishing
> today, for example, which I recommend to all Pynchon
> readers -- than I do.
> FYI, new posts at today.
> Brotherly,
> =====
> "on a need to know basis"

"First of all, Mr. Fish argues that my assertion that postmodernists
challenge the existence of objective truth is all wrong, and so is my
assertion that pomo has anything to do with relativism. Postmodernists do
not deny the existence of truth, Mr. Fish declares, in fact he believes in
it. What postmodernists do claim, he says, is that there is no "independent
standard of objectivity." This means that there is no way a truth can be
definitively proved to others.
They are acting as if they are not quite secure in their possession of the

Right, get the difference between "there is no truth" and "there is no way
to tell the truth objectively."


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