Ash Wednesday

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Mon Mar 1 08:05:03 CST 2004

> > If there is a God ...
> this 2000-year-old fairy tale ...

Spoken like a true skeptic!

The predominant culture today is founded on scientific
method that filters out the rare case of direct gnosis,
because it is not repeatable by one's peers generally.

But I say, if the tantric basis for initiating direct
gnosis had not been excluded, then not only would all
religion be re-discovered, it would be subsumed under

Hey, I have some really good news.

I've started going to church. And I find that the
tantric manipulations (sex-magic) are fungible in
the subtler hypothecation thereof, which the mere
pistics report as "the holy spirit is moving" etc.

I like that word, hypothecation, because I once read
while doing my taxes that "hypothecation" of an IRA,
as in a pledge, was considered an early distribution.

So, the gnostic/pistic divide should not be seen as
either true/false or false/true, but motor/interface.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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