Re. Re. Dietary Fibre

Carvill John johncarvill at
Sat Mar 6 08:15:23 CST 2004

Jesus! You're obsessed with tautologies. Was 'tautology' word of the day 
recently on or something?

You know, when you try to be funny, it falls pitifully flat:

>If you think Carvill is shit as a name, why not come
>up with something different?  Carvill's the only thing
>you've given us. Car Man?  Jackie Boy?  Blue Moon?  Digger? The Duke?  

Car Man! I get it. A clever, and utterly unprecedented play on 'Carvill'.

But the irony is that when you try to be serious, you're fall-down funny:

>I see.  It's not that you're accusing me of tautology;
>you're trafficking in tautology yourself, apparently
>without recognizing it.

'Trafficking' in tautology! Yeah, watch me smuggle these illegal tautologies 
across the border.

>And there are qualities (or lacks thereof) one can
>point to in noting the success or lack of same in a
>novel:  failed humor, shallow characterization, banal
>ideas, shopworn cliches, in the case of Vineland. They're the fruit of 
>choices the writer makes and they
>can be noted and enumerated; there's nothing inherent
>about them.

That 'lacks thereof' is another good one.

Look, there's no tautology, ok? Let me try illustrating what I meant with 
another example.
Sit an average ten year old down in front of 'Citizen Kane' and he'll 
probably be bored.
Does that make the film boring? No, it means the kid doesn't (here comes the 
semantic bit: concentrate) appreciate the film.

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