VLVL Is it OK to be a misoneist?
Paul Mackin
paul.mackin at verizon.net
Mon Mar 8 12:29:29 CST 2004
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 04:12, lorentzen-nicklaus wrote:
> Paul Mackin schrieb:
> > I don't know how it
> > falls out in his reading public at large but here on the p-list down
> > through the years P's often been taken as authoritative on real world
> > events. All I can say is that I do not hold such a view. Just out of
> > curiosity does anyone else agree with me?
> ° Somewhere in "Minima Moralia" Adorno says that Proust spares the reader
> the illusion to be more intelligent than the author. For Proust this is,
> I think, correct. With Pynchon I don't know. Do agree, however, that this
> here shouldn't be the Friends Of Tom yet the P-list, which of course implies
> to question our writer's authority. In artistic as well as in other regards.
There are different kinds of intelligence. P seems tops in
--absorbing into his brain and notebooks a huge quantity and variety of
text unknown to many of us
--processing the above into new text that singes our eyebrows
Don't think we have enough information to know how good he would have
been as a social critic or historian. Suspect quite good if he'd set his
mind to it. (which I don't think he's ever going to do)
> Just to get this straight: Myself I couldn't have written Gravity's Rainbow.
Me neither.
> Orange sunshine, time to read ... Heidegger lectures from the winter semester
> 1929/30 (just got published in paperback: costs you less than 20- !): "Die
> Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik: Welt - Endlichkeit - Einsamkeit". Profound
> phaenomenological analysis of Boredom (nah, it's not only 'objective'...),
> among other stuff on animals, stones and everything. 500 pages of Heidegger
> in full juice: Check it out! "Die Langeweile ist der Bann des Zeithorizontes,
> welches Bannen den der Zeitlichkeit zugehörigen Augenblick entschwinden lässt,
> um in solchem Entschwindenlassen das gebannte Dasein in den Augenblick
> hineinzuzwingen als die eigentliche Möglichkeit seiner Existenz, welche
> Existenz nur möglich ist inmitten des Seienden im Ganzen, das sich im Horizont
> des Bannens gerade im Ganzen versagt" (p, 230). There-Being is always tuned.
> You know, I'd like the coming 'Hilbert Novel' to be somehow like CoL 49:
> sinister and short --
Hope it comes soon.
> KFL +
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