The Whitney Biennial

Dave Monroe monrobotics at
Sun Mar 14 09:44:41 CST 2004

Okay, up a little late this morning, so I won't be
back at the Whitney 'til ca. noon, but I've been there
every day since Wednesday afternoon (Press preview,
thanks to kindly benefactors; otherwise, I have
reciprocity as an employee of another museum or two),
that Zak Smith piece is fantastic, I've been hunting
down favorite passages, puzzling over other
illustrations, so look for one of the guys carrying
that nifty V-2 blueprint Penguin ed.  Black jacket,
and, today, Junior's Cheesecake (Brooklyn, NY)
t-shirt.  I've met, even had lunch and/or dinner with,
a few of you already, so ... so I usually hang around
for an hour or so (then a movie or three and the Frick
today), but I'll drop by Monday at opening (they open
Mondays?) as well.  At any rate, if any of you gets
the chance to see it, take it (and look for "Pig'
Bodine) ...

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