Pynchon Notes 46-49

Otto ottosell at
Thu Mar 18 05:45:06 CST 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Monroe" <monrobotics at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: Pynchon Notes 46-49

> Picking up my mail for the first time in a week, to
> find that Pynchon Notes 46-49 (Spring-Fall 2000-2001
> [!]) has at long last been published, featuring a
> feature-length contribution from our very own Robert
> Jackson, not to mention a short but sweet note from
> His Duditude, The Right Hon. Chas. Hollander (ret.).
> Huzzah!  Okay, gotta catch up on the better or worse
> part of a week's worth of uncaughtup bidness, then off
> to the coffee shops to get some readin' in ...
> __________________________________

I'm looking forward to it!

In case that some German colleagues haven't realised it: John Krafft has set
up a German bank account so it's easy now to order the Pynchon Notes. I've
just send 13,91 Euros. You can get the information here:


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