Stone et al

Richard Romeo r.romeo at
Thu Mar 18 15:43:44 CST 2004


Whp sed:

Agreed on the earlier Stone: Hall of Mirrors and Dog Soldiers.  Everything else, although enjoyable, is a falling off.  Outerbridge Reach is a love letter to Melville, with no gravitas.  Bay of Souls fizzles.  Children of Light a garish entertainment, spooky to be sure, but slim.  Still, all these books together, good and bad, place Stone very high up in the pantheon.  A question: what was the last "great" book by a member of the American postmodern gang (those born, say, post-1925, but not after 1940)?  How far back do we have to go?  A quarter century, at least.  I am thinking of Gravity's Rainbow and JR.  Other suggestions?

[Richard Romeo] _______________________


my vote would be The Public Burning if I can't pick GR-I like'em phantasmagorical



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