Smithsonian event cancelled
Betsy Platt
glen.echo at
Thu Mar 18 18:50:51 CST 2004
No feds - I guess there just weren't enough people interested in a full-day seminar on Pynchon, with a respected scholar, some nifty Pyncon art and a visit to a V-2 rocket. I made a considered judgment that Pynchon fans (like me) would flock to a thing like this. I consider him to be one of the greatest writers, living or dead, of the 20th century, and I figured there'd be enough folks to fill a seminar who'd agree with me.. Maybe it was too expensive, or too far.Just following up, since I'd sent three announcements about it over the last couple of months.At least one person on the list had signed up and contacted me about it, so it seemed a courtesy to let you all know that it was cancelled. No flames. Just information. Sorry it didn't work out.
----- Original Message -----
From: MalignD at
To: pynchon-l at
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Smithsonian event cancelled
<<Only 16 people signed up. Oh, well.>>
So what are we to make of this?
If I respond, will this glen fellow threaten to sic the feds on my ass like Scoop did?
Somebody else go first. But as long as I'm writing, further thoughts on Stone:
<<Agreed on the earlier Stone: Hall of Mirrors and Dog Soldiers. Everything else, although enjoyable, is a falling off. Outerbridge Reach is a love letter to Melville, with no gravitas>>
Bullshit. Hall of Mirrors and Dog Soldiers are both, through long stretches, badly overwritten and mindnumblingly dull. if writing at a psychological pitch is your idea of good writing, stick to--or try--Celine.
And wbat is the connection to Melville? That it takes place, in part, on the ocean?
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