Smithsonian Redux: your input, please

Betsy Platt glen.echo at
Fri Mar 19 10:34:12 CST 2004

OK, W.A.S.T.E.landers, here's the latest. on the Pynchon seminar.
Smithsonian has cancelled, BUT -
Spoke with John Krafft (esteemed editor of Pynchon Notes) last night. He
already had a nonrefundable plane ticket, but hadn't signed up yet, either.
Others have indicated interest, but found the nonmember Smithsonian
admission too pricey. I suspect that others, like John, were considering
coming, or had decided to come, when SI pulled the plug on us. So, what to
you guys think about a Phantom Pynchonfest (feel free to substitute a better
name) on that date, in DC, just not under the Smithsonian aegis.
John's planning to come anyway, so at least 3 of us are already in, plus a
Chris Williams who emailed me from this list - Chris: you with us?
We could meet (in a bar, restaurant or hall, depending on how many) to
discuss GR, or any Pynchon topic, with or without moderation.
We could still visit the V-2 rocket at the Air & Space Museum (free: your
tax dollars at work)(BTW, I think Smithsonian will also be fielding an
exhibition on the Transit of Venus)
Zak Smith had planned to come, I can invite him to keep that date and find a
place where he can show slides and talk about the work.
Maybe we can pich in and finance Laurence Daw to come down from Ontario, and
we can view his superb Illustrated GR on a big screen
Maybe  someone has a useable copy of the Dubini Brothers film?
Or we could just talk.
It could be as big or small, formal or informal as we make it.
What are your ideas?
What I can offer is local ground support - finding a place and a-v support
if we need it, maybe coordinating hospitality. You folks fill in the holes.
But let me know if you're even thinking of coming, so I have time to find
appropriate space. Even you, Joel, if you promise to behave.


PS to Dave Monroe: Unfortunately, the pun *was* intended. Sorry.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Monroe" <monrobotics at>
To: "Betsy Platt" <glen.echo at>; "'Pynchon-L'" <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Smithsonian event cancelled

> Oh, hell.  Just when I'd finally found out I'd have
> the weekend off.  But at least I didn't get the plane
> tickets yet.  Well, let us know if there are any
> last-minute developments, or at least a rescheduling
> ...
> --- Betsy Platt <glen.echo at> wrote:
> >
> > No feds - I guess there just weren't enough people
> > interested in a full-day seminar on Pynchon, with a
> > respected scholar, some nifty Pyncon art and a visit
> > to a V-2 rocket. I made a considered judgment that
> > Pynchon fans (like me) would flock to a thing like
> > this. I consider him to be one of the greatest
> > writers, living or dead, of the 20th century, and I
> > figured there'd be enough folks to fill a seminar
> > who'd agree with me.. Maybe it was too expensive, or
> > too far.Just following up, since I'd sent three
> > announcements about it over the last couple of
> > months.At least one person on the list had signed up
> > and contacted me about it, so it seemed a courtesy
> > to let you all know that it was cancelled. No
> > flames. Just information. Sorry it didn't work out.
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