0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, ...

Joel Katz mittelwerk at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 22 20:47:38 CST 2004

remove the pineapple from your ass.  note that the hexagonal pineapple 
buttons on the fruit spiral in three directions from any single button.  
register, with bowel-loosening terror, that the number of hexes in each type 
of spiral....are fibonacci numbers.

phyllotaxis, anyone?

consider phi, most irrational number in the universe.  one arrives at it's 
square root by subtracting 1; one squares it by adding 1.  the number 
spirals into infinity....towards the vanishing point of Being.

consider the angle a friendly eagle will take as it descends on is prey.  
the path of least resistance--a spiraling descent wherein mr. eagle does not 
have to crane his neck but can keep his head straight forward, yet never 
lose sight of the victim (a mouse, a fuck-me feminist)--a path in which 
every point on the path faces the prey  at the exact same 
angle.....demarcates a golden spiral.

you must change you life.

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