Good reading

Ghetta Life ghetta_outta at
Tue Mar 23 08:42:31 CST 2004

>From: Bekah <bekah0176 at>
>And that's exactly the way I felt about it. It was great for about 200 
>pages and then it just got very repetitive.
>I want to say though that this book is one of the most beautiful I have in 
>my shelves. The color and cover art as well as the size and heft just 
>stirred my heart when I first saw it.

Actually, I think it gets better after the first 100 pages or so.  At first 
with just Sancho and Quixote bumbling from self-abusive blunder to blunder 
it was very repetitive:  lots of thrashings for one or the other or both, 
with an occasional accidental success.  But once the pair hook up with 
others who are in the middle of their own stories and tales of 
misfortune/adventure, the plot get more complex.  Sancho and Quixote get 
side-lined in favor of plots more like those from the books of chivalry that 
first inspired Quixote to begin his quest.  Granted, even that may get to be 
repetitive, but I'll keep reading my hour or so per day see how it goes.


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