Don Quixote

Malignd malignd at
Thu Mar 25 07:34:50 CST 2004

<<I just finished Nabokov's _Lectures on DQ_ and one
of the points he pounds on, despite waffling, imo, on
the overall worth, genius, importance etc. of _DQ_, is
the continuous, and brutal, cruelty displayed
Where, if anywhere, Nabokov was going with this
cruelty (and not just the cruelty in _DQ_, but also
the cruelty of readers amused by the cruelty), I never
figured out. 

...  Ironically, Nabokov points out ...>>

Redundant, this last, when speaking of VN.

And undoubtedly ironic in the first paragraph also, in
that, asked once about alleged cruelty in his own
work--I think, specifically, Laughter in the Dark--VN
responded [more or less] that such an observation was
mad, as his characters were nonexistent, words on a

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