Pynchon name drop on 'The O.C.'

Malignd malignd at
Thu Mar 25 07:56:34 CST 2004

<<as hesitant as i am to anounce that i watch The O.C.
on a T. R. Pynchon mailing list, on tonight's episode
of the FOX drama 'The O.C.' a character played by
Paris Hilton (stop pretending that you don't know who
that is) dropped his name, and mentioned Gravity's
Rainbow while Adam Brody's character mentioned that he
had only read Lot 49.>>

When it turns up on TV dreck, it's pretty clear that
the word "Pynchon" is all but separated from the
novelist who bears that name, recycled by hacks as a
vocal prop denoting something once hip, perhaps, but
now old and behind the curve.  

Dropping "Pynchon" is roughly akin to being the two
millionth purchaser of a pair of retro Puma Clydes.

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