Don Quijote

gabriel lagos lagos at
Fri Mar 26 07:52:27 CST 2004

 "...but the book's racism, sexism, and classism got to me, too..."

I guess your reading of pre political correctness texts must be very
discouraging. Disqualifying DQ for expressing some average values of his own
time & place is very unfair.  It's the "But those greeks had slaves!"
attitude that disturbs any discussion about, say, Plato.

I think that if it you're after XXI C identity matters you should emphasize
the respect the author shows towards his arabic/muslim fictional colleagues.
Quite an unusual concession to a culture they were fighting for centuries up
until a few years before DQ was written. I donĀ“t think contemporary Spain
will be capable of that amplitude now. Let's not talk about USA politcs
concerning their "defeated enemies".

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