VLVL2 (15): Ernie and Sid
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Mon May 10 17:46:45 CDT 2004
"All he had for hope--how he fingered it,
obsessively, like a Miraculous Medal--was a typed
copy, signed by Hector, Ernie Triggerman, and his
partner, Sid Liftoff, of an agreement on this movie
deal, or, as Ernie liked to say, film project [...].
Despite his personal savegery [...] Hector in these
show-biz matters registered as fatally innocent [...]
offering Ernie and Sid a million clues he wasn't even
aware of ...." (VL, Ch. 15, p. 337)
p. 337 Hollywood producers "Sid Liftoff" and "Ernie
Triggerman" More cool names.
Cf. Sid & Marty Krofft? Anyway ...
p. 337 "bizcochos" = Spanish for "biscuits, cookies."
p. 337 "lizard-skin etui" Etui = a four letter word
made of odd letters, therefore useful to crossword
constructors, and meaning "small case." Pynchon does
crossword puzzles? Maybe he just loves words
Main Entry: etui
Pronunciation: A-'twE, 'A-"
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural etuis
Etymology: French étui
: a small ornamental case
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