War is Just a Racket

umberto rossi teacher at inwind.it
Sat May 22 08:33:20 CDT 2004

In data 21 May 2004, verso le 15:50, Dave Monroe si trovò a scrivere 
su War is Just a Racket:

> Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by General
> Smedley Darlington Butler, USMC. General Butler was
> the recipient of two Congressional Medals of Honor.

Reads like a statement on both Pynchon and on certain contemporary 
international matters. 

Sometime I ask myself whether Pynchon's next novel mightn't be a 
sequel to Under the Rose. Just imagine that: Porpentine's grandson, a 
MI5 agent, is sent to Bassora just before the I Gulf War (1989 might 
be a highly symbolic date). There he meets a certain Tyrone Slothrop, 
aka Racketenmensch, who, tough old, is still investigating on the A4 
# 00000, which for mysterious reasons seems to have been shipped to 
Iraq in the late Forties. They meet in a bar at night, under the 
light of Byron the Bulb...
(Obviously Seaman Bodine or his son is on board of USS Nimitz...)

umberto rossi

		"A mulatto
		An albino
		A mosquito
		My libido"

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