A predictive success in my new hermenutics.

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 1 21:29:28 CST 2004

I know you're all looking forward to my next
installment of _Now that the world has ended_
with all manner of questions in suspense, like
all that money I drew out, and what sexual acts,
I mean, technical dances, would I solicit from
my favorite bikini dancer. But I've been busy.

Today, I took a chance outside the realm of my
own Walter Mitty walk, on some of the diverse
sexual symbols I have mined from Revelation.

I mean, it's a far cry from "you've had five,
and the one you are with is not your husband,"
Jesus said, but just listen:

I was taking my smoke break outside, for that
is California law, and it's given me a change
from my head buried in the VDT vacuum bottle.

A co-worker smoking was telling me how a lady
had become teacher of his child, and he grew
up with her, has pics of them playing around.

While he was telling me this, he took a hard
look left, and when he faced me again, there
was a space glowing gold above his forehead.

It was just some glowing in space, bigger'n
a doughnet, flatter'n a baseball. Prominent.
Shining. EpiPhanaros or whatever in bibl gk.

So that cued me a lot of Revelation symbols,
especially, a crown of gold. I said nothing.

Next smoke break, I said, "About that teacher
you fooled around with." and he corrected me,
"I said I played around with her."

"Yeah, but you fooled around, Huh?" ...
"Did that involve cunnilingus?"

"Yeah! We spent many hours that way, and
many days." and I acknowledged that such
is a memorable act, upon his enthusiasm.

I told him about the gold crown, and how it
was a symbol I had laid to cunnilingus, and
that he'd made my day by this corroboration.

I hope I can finish breakin' it down before
2/22/2005. Is that my next ETA of eschaton?

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
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