
jolly jollyrogerx99 at
Sun Nov 7 13:39:49 CST 2004

Hep McFluffcat:   You must be an English lit. punk. Only an english major would have developed such  skills at evasion and  TS Eliot-like nazi-bitch asides; only a  lit. creep would demonstrate such catholic-like authoritarian hypocrisy, such disdain for empiricism and logic. 
Zappa? THat's funny coming from you, some sneering mommy's boy that never took stats, but grew up with the Bronte sisters and Boy George. 
 We were discussing Skinner, not music, McFluffski. I suggest you avoid the philosophy, the Zappa, and indeed the pynchonian:  the Wuthering Heights for Twinks lists is next door......

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