Nietzsche's prophecy of Gravity's Rainbow

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Fri Nov 12 05:06:00 CST 2004

Just kidding. But then again not quite. Some days ago I read, 
here in our new house, in Nietzsche's late fragments (known to 
some of you in corrupted editions under the title of "Will to Power") the following aphorism which was written somewhen 
between November 1887 and March 1888:

"Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts: verrückt und mathematisch zugleich, analytisch-phantastisch: die Dinge wichtiger und im Vordergrund, nicht mehr die Wesen; die Liebe abgeschafft (schon bei Balzac tritt das Geld in den Vordergrund): mehr von der Geschichte im Kopfe erzählend als von der im Herzen."

(Kritische Studienausgabe, ed. by Colli/Montinari,
Band 13, p. 120)

In my measurable kindness I translate this for you:

Literature of the 20th century: crazy and mathematical at the 
same time, analytical-phantastic: the things more important and 
in the foreground, not anymore the beings; love abolished 
(already in Balzac the money steps into the foreground): telling more about the history in the head than about that in the heart.

Another book that comes into mind here is Musil's "Mann ohne Eigenschaften" --


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