A Thomas Pynchon-Reading Paris Hilton

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 13 09:26:47 CST 2004

O.C.' coasts on sunny skies, hot emo guys, adulterous

By Becca Silverstein
Tales of Obsession Columnist


Seth acts out the kind of fantasies that those of us
who were even a teensy bit socially awkward in high
school wish we could look back upon fondly. He not
only gets to choose between the bubbly, popular Summer
and the ultra-hip Anna, but, at a party at a strip
club in L.A., he is approached by a Thomas
Pynchon-reading Paris Hilton (for you physics majors,
that's like the most vapid looking person ever asking
you if you are as into Richard Feynman as he or she
is.) ...


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