Bruce Anderson on Liberals

jolly jollyrogerx99 at
Tue Nov 16 10:11:10 CST 2004

 >>> "Asked to sum up the recent presidential election, Anderson, who 
supported Ralph Nader, says of John Kerry, "I think he's a totally 
artificial person. He didn't move me in any way. Ditto for Edwards. 
Ditto for all of them. Our democracy is so corrupt that it attracts the 
wrong type of people to it." <<<

Whew! Profound political analysis there! This guy must've gone to 
college and read Joyce, too.
It must hurt, Tailgunner Keith, for a puerile chi chi bitch like you to read any political analysis.  Like the usual p-list mccarthyite, you refuse to address the issue, instead resorting to your  little sophomoric squeak: you're not in charge,  Boy Varsity, and this isnt your frat.  You also seem to be unaware of Pynchon's supposed  connection to the AVA .  

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