Robert Burton's _The Anatomy of Melancholy_

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Tue Nov 23 00:54:46 CST 2004

Isn't there a rule, or was it only a jest, to limit
lists to three apositives, synoynms, amplifications?
Not so in Robert Burton's _The Anatomy of Melancholy_!

I thought it high time to read it, and made a more palatable
version at:
specially formatted for you P-listers from the source file at
for reading in Reading Acceleration Machine, freeware from here:

After the inherent html warping and text wraping of Surf17.exe,
I applied the following sed script. Would I had a Latin filter:

/	/d

I wrapped to count and clause bounds with "wt -m . in>out",
and saved it for you above, and read it in RAM, setup thus:
 26pt lucida font
 [x] pause per word
 100 ms per line
 100 ms per word.
 Open downloaded rbam.txt.
 Press AUTO.

You too, can sop it all up in 1-3/4 hours.

I would not weary you by totalizing and spitting out Burton,
as Barthleme before, but I note Pynchon called Barthleme no
metaphysician, and I know Pynchon knows the grounds to rule.

This man of the cloth lauds industry, and gave me momentary
hope, for I am industrious to a fault, all the while saying
it is of the world, a distraction. But his intended reforms
excited me to wish he had run for President. Then the U.S.A.
could be a land of uniform acheivement, as white sepulchres.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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