Is Tom enjoying Black Satin? (re. Re: aw. Re: Three belated Top 10 lists)

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Sun Nov 28 09:02:00 CST 2004

* Believe it or not, yesterday, when I still had to spend some time before the movies (acceptable: "Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei"), I went into a second hand shop ("texte & töne") for records and books and, you know what?, found there the quasi new double CD "Get Up With It" which I did buy for 10 - €. Just getting into it right now I can nevertheless already say that
Tim was right to make his intervention: Get Up With It definitely  belongs into that Top 10 list of mine! On first ear Calypso Frelimo is my favourite tune of the record, but this may change 
as time passes on -- 

We know that Pynchon is a Monk enthusiast. But did he ever say or write something substancial about Miles Davis? 

(I mean, apart from the name dropping in the following passage:
"LA for a while was probably the center of the musical universe, Stravinsky living just off Sunset, Schönberg teaching at UCLA, Charlie Parker and Miles Davis playing their historic gigs around South Central, nightclubs booming, radio stations broadcasting from them live, Zeidler & Zeidler doing phenomenal business in 
bop cardigans and porkpie hats, the whole town hopping, the pace swifter and louder than we usually think of in connection to California." // Spiked! The Music of Spike  Jones.//  

Now I seem to remember that there's a brief mention of the young Miles Davis in "Vineland". Yet nothing regarding the crucial work since ESP. 

Anyone? Kai + 

(btw, the other record I came out of the shop with is Guy Klucevsek's "The Well-Tampered Accordion")

>> Each December I conduct a 10-hour marathon reading of _Paradise Lost_ with
my students, all of which to the accompaniment of a wide variety of music.
The opening track of this Miles album, "He Loved Him Madly," is the perfect
soundtrack for Book IX (The Temptation and Fall of Mankind).  Enjoy!!

Tim >>

>>> Don't know this one yet: I will check it out --

Thanks! Kai + 

Tim Strzechowski schrieb:

> *Can't* believe you didn't include Miles's _Get Up With It_ . . 

> > 
> > 
> > 1. ESP
> > 2. Bitches Brew
> > 3. Kind of Blue
> > 4. In A Silent Way
> > 5. Filles de Kilimanjaro
> > 6. On The Corner
> > 7. Tutu
> > 8. Miles Smiles
> > 9. Dark Magus (live on March 30, 1974 at Carnegie Hall)
> > 10. Nefertiti 
> > 
> <<<

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