Cat Stevens

Mark A. Douglas madness at
Fri Oct 1 21:37:41 CDT 2004

Yes, he does.  He doesn't speak like a man who is truly sorry for being
linked to the Rushdie fatwa; he speaks like a man who is truly sorry that
it's public knowledge that he's linked to the Rushdie fatwa.


From: joeallonby [mailto:vze422fs at] 
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 9:38 PM
To: Mark A. Douglas; 'Pynchon-L'
Subject: Re: Cat Stevens

on 9/30/04 12:17 AM, Mark A. Douglas at madness at wrote:

>And at no point does he say:  I did not support the fatwa on Rushdie.
>What he says is that he is linked to the Rushdie case, and that the case is
one of the things >that he's linked to that he has nothing to do with.

>Reading it right?

>But he doesn't take the opportunity to denounce the fatwa.  That's all I'm

>He does indeed distance himself from being linked to the Rushdie case.  But
he doesn't >repudiate.  He repudiates his linkage to it.  There's a

He speaks like a politician.

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