'Windblown World': Kerouac's Willed Spontaneity

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 9 15:09:25 CDT 2004

Interesting article re an author that Pynchon has
named as an influence...

This part sounds strangely familiar:

[...] THE traditional rap against Kerouac -- that he
was a sort of half-baked dopehead primitivist who
prized sensation over sense -- crumbles on a reading
of his journals. For every entry concerning a wild
night out with his colorful cohort of insomniac poets,
opiated philosophers and autodidact ex-cons, there's a
meditation on Mark Twain or a list of favorite
Renaissance poets. There's no way around it: for all
his hobo posing, Kerouac began as a New England
highbrow. [...]

read it all:

'Windblown World': Kerouac's Willed Spontaneity

"everything connects"

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