Death of Derrida: Do real Pynchonians mourn or par-tay?

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Sun Oct 10 13:58:26 CDT 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 14:05, Dave Monroe wrote:
> I wouldn't go by Culler.  The secondary lit'rachure is
> a little hazy in my memory now, but Derrida's response
> to searle, "Limited inc a b c ..." is both adequate
> and, on occasion, hilarious ...

For what it's worth, Searle's review of Culler's book was a little bit
more critical of Culler's PRESENTATION of Derrida than it was of Derrida
himself  For example:

"But Derrida also emerges as much more superficial than he is. He
emerges as the instigator of various gimmicks for dealing with texts,
and Culler doesn't seem to understand the really deep problems that led
Derrida into this. Culler seems unaware that Derrida is responding to
certain specific theses in Husserl and is using weapons derived in large
part from Heidegger to do it (Culler's bibliography contains no
references to Husserl and only one to Heidegger). I believe that
Derrida's work, at least those portions I have read, is not just a
series of muddles and gimmicks. There is in fact a large issue being
addressed and a large mistake being made. The philosophical tradition
that goes from Descartes to Husserl, and indeed a large part of the
philosophical tradition that goes back to Plato, involves a search for
foundations: metaphysically certain foundations of knowledge,
foundations of language and meaning, foundations of mathematics,
foundations of morality, etc. Husserl, for example, sought such
foundations by examining the content of his conscious experiences while
suspending or "bracketing" the assumption that they referred to an
external world. By doing so he hoped to isolate and describe pure and
indubitable structures of experience."

> --- Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at> wrote:
> > Since Searle's name has come up I thought p-listers
> > might be interested in recalling Searle's critique
> > of an example in Jonathan Culler's book ...
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