pimpin' da post-modernists

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 13 18:20:34 CDT 2004

Oh, dear ...

--- jolly <jollyrogerx99 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Why is it when I hear  post-modernist  boys of
> letters such as you belch I tend to practice my
> right jab? 

If only we were at arm's length here ...
> Naw, deep thinker.  You tell me, Monsewer 
> Derriereda,  whether you are consistently anti-
> logocentric, and thus refusing to make use of
> your car, computer, light switch, bridges, doctors,
> etc.

Maybe you ought to explain what you take "logocentric"
to mean here, 'cos I don't recall Derrida ever quite
railing against yr all mod cons.  Why should he have?
> Postmodernist readings of Pynchon miss a great deal
> of what the novels are about.  

My guess, is, EVERY reading of just about anything and
everything misses a great deal of what anything and
everything is about.  What's allegedly being missed
in,well, whatever instance you might actually be
talking about, or even know of, here?  But also do
keep yr interlocutors clear, as I don't think I've
been on about poststructuralist readings of Pynchon

> Derrida provides no guide to  understanding
> thermodynamics or chaos theory, for example.

Nor does Pynchon, for that matter, outside of the
occasional riff on entropy.  And "Chaos theory" is no
less extraneous to the texts as deconstruction is ...

> Did you read Pynchon's essay on the Luddites and
> note his favorable mentioning of CP Snow 's "Two
> Cultures"?  Start there. 

Been there, done that, but do let us know what it's
done for you lately ...


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