
Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Fri Oct 15 14:29:22 CDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 12:48, Ben De Bruyn wrote:
> > You're not here to tell anyone to do anything,
> > punkin,' are ya now.....when I hear a lit.crit. type
> > say "should" or "ought" I know he was never properly
> > spanked by mommy, and he now requires a good bitch
> > slapping.....  
> Nor should you. Nor should you resort to the ad
> hominem-arguments you attack po-mo people for (which,
> I might add, probably includes everybody on this list.

Not sure about our all being po-mo people or what its significance would

How does one qualify as a po-mo person? 

no expectation of metaphysical foundations for ethics and knowledge?
(this would be pretty general here I expect)

no incontrovertible textual foundations for truth and eternal 
salvation? (don't think there are any Fundamentalists here) 

no acceptance of any grand narratives such as Marxism, Christianity,
etc.? (this is less certain--there are no doubt a few Christians and
Marxists on the p-list)

What if one believes in the possibility of non-fiction despite all
post-structural critiques? Would this disqualify? If it would, then I'm

pynchon is a pomo writer is he not? and yes, that was
> a rhetorical question).

Would anyone care to state in a few concise preferably grammatical
sentences what makes Pynchon po-mo?

Just wondered.

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