"I was absolutely his butt boy"

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 17 14:22:13 CDT 2004

....most recent item on pynchonoid.org:

Excerpt from the CNN Crossfire encounter in which The
Daily Show host, Jon Stewart, cleaned pugnacious
right-wing prick, Tucker Carlson's clock:

[...]  CARLSON: You had John Kerry on your show and
you sniff his throne and you're accusing us of
partisan hackery? 

STEWART: Absolutely. 

CARLSON: You've got to be kidding me. He comes on and


STEWART: You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is
puppets making crank phone calls. 


STEWART: What is wrong with you? 


CARLSON: Well, I'm just saying, there's no reason for
you -- when you have this marvelous opportunity not to
be the guy's butt boy, to go ahead and be his butt
boy. Come on. It's embarrassing. 

STEWART: I was absolutely his butt boy. I was so far
-- you would not believe what he ate two weeks ago. 



[...]  At her command, he crawls forward to kiss her
boots. He smells wax and leather, and can feel fer
toes flexing beneath his tongue, through the black
skin. From the corner of his eye, on a little table,
he can see the remains of her early evening meal, the
edge of a plate, the tops of two bottles, mineral
water, French wine. . . .    [...] Despite
himself--already a reflex--he glances quickly over at
the bottles on the table, the plates, soiled with
juices of jmeat, Hollandaise, bits of gristle and
bone. . . .  (Gravity's Rainbow, pp 233-235)

"everything connects"

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