Keith McMetzger

joeallonby vze422fs at
Sun Oct 17 22:02:02 CDT 2004

You're mad behind on your slang there, Roger.

You need to get out more. Talk to some people. Have a drink and relax.

on 10/17/04 9:01 PM, jolly at jollyrogerx99 at wrote:


They use that in Peoria or  Amsterdam or the Castro District, or whereever
you are as well? I thought it was just an valley thang.  Bitchin,'  though,
became  "gnarly", then "bodacious," to "righteous,"  to "copacetic" (Marin
influence probably), to just "cool," as in, "you cracked the UC system and
just downloaded a DoS into all of their servers? How very cool."

Hey comrade, fight the commodification and neo-liberalization of Pynchon's
novels.....He's closer to Ed Abbey than to John Fowles...,,Do it for Ted
Teddy K, that is, el bombero numero uno...c   c  puede!

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