Keith McMuffin

jolly jollyrogerx99 at
Thu Oct 28 01:04:02 CDT 2004

McMuffin, the level of philosophcial or literary discussion on this list rarely rises above that of about a hick college Phil. 200, in which  naive suburban   dupes (such as you and most of the other salesmen on this list)  were taught "Cartesian  duality" as if it were some great profound concept (while never having to bother with mere "empiricism" such as genetic codes or  thermodynamics) .  Hearing your blather about "conceptualization"  and "empiricism"  is enough to make any person half-way competent in either logic or literature to vomit.  
And though no one seemed to notice, one of the WASTE fools had the audacity to yawp that psychology, anthropology, and linguistics were somehow not  dependent on empiricism or data or sampling. That is the sort of undergraduate, "ex cathedra"  drivel that demonstrates why the lit. biz is such a hideous farce. I know at least 3 or 4 linguists (and a few psychologists) whose lives have been spent gathering syntactic or phonological data in various languages, whose research depends on large samples,  and is predicated on drawing statistically valid inferences from those samples.  To suggest otherwise  demonstrates that you are a belle-lettrist fool, as well as a misguided irrationalist, who has spent a bit too much time licking the boots of po-mo inspired hick lit. professors, who  have neglected  the  post-structuralism of  Foucault (who did work with historical and psychological data), in favor of the bogus neo-Heideggerian po-mo of Derrida...
It is a sad state of affairs when Ghetta Life seems to be about the only one putting forth the most valid and clearly reasoned assertions on this list....But perhaps her  (his? I am not sure) somewhat plain-spoken rhetoric fails to provide you with the little squeals of bathhouse delight you have come to relish as a pynchonian and most of  the other dimwits here have pretty much converted TP into a member of your "skeptical- lite" suburban-huckster fraternity....I suggest some Sandoz, a few weeks of the Mothers of Invention, LA weekly bag whores...or better yet,  a handful of sleeping pills, some vodka, and a really long nap   
do phuck off, fratboi 

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