A Trove of New Works by Thomas Pynchon?

Ghetta Life ghetta_outta at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 2 11:23:49 CDT 2004

I guess these "writings" by Pynchon may be of interest to SOME, but IMHO 
they and the "Togetherness" stuff Dave posted earlier are only for those 
with too much time on their hands and too much hero worship of TRP.  And the 
activity on this list of late attests to their appeal...

For my part, I've just started "The Recognitions"  and having just gotten in 
the rhythm of the writing, I'm thouroughly enjoying it.  Too bad the 
activity on the Gaddis-list is almost nil.


>From: Dave Monroe <monropolitan at yahoo.com>
>Thomas Pynchon's Unseen Writings for Boeing May Get Published

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