TPPM _The Gift_: Study of the word "gift" on Internet
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at
Fri Sep 3 13:48:52 CDT 2004
That was my question, why is this review titled "The
Gift"? Was this Pynchon's title, or the magazine's
editor's? Was it the title at all, or something else?
Anybody actually have this particular issue at hand,
or have access to it? One of only two published book
reviews by Pynchon, so far as I know ...
"... from Holiday, December 1965, this is a review of
Oakley Hall's western, Warlock. (Pynchon was asked to
select a favorite 'neglected' book.)"
Anyone know who if anyone else was asked, and what
they selected? Or how well Pynchon's review serves
the novel itself? I haven't read it, so ... but do
note interests already displayed which will emerge
again later. And so forth. Thanks again ...
--- Glenn Scheper <glenn_scheper at> wrote:
> Since nowhere in the body of text is the idea of
> donation, to reflect gift appearing in the title,
> I studied what the web says "The Gift" might mean.
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