re VLVL Pynchon's eye for detail

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Sat Sep 4 07:22:34 CDT 2004

This from someone who, while he suggests much, never
really quite seems to get around to leting us know
just what he's getting at?  No, no, I generally
appreciate yr crypticisms nontheless, and still wait
yr starting in on Gravity's Rainbow (my nice, clean
Whitney Biennial copy is at hand), but I've yet to
have figured out just what your take on anything of
Pynchon's might actually be.  I think, for example,
that we both agree on the relevance of Melville, and
not just Moby-Dick, but also The Confidence Man, and
the works of people like Brown and Marcuse, but ... 

But, when it comes down to it, there's an awful lot of
taking apart the (typically tentatively offered)
readings of others here, without much in the way of
alternatives offered in their place.  Or much in the
way of understanding that such readings aren't
necessarily mutually exclsive in the first place. 
There's a tendency to take this list as, at best, a
deabte match, or, as often as not, a barroom brawl,
rather tahn as somewhere to, say, help each other work
on, work out various readings (which is why i've
largely taken up basic research, there are inevitably
those thing along the way that it doesn't hurt to
know, or at least attempt to), or even just to fly a
flag to see who salutes (vs., say, gives it the finger
and/or tears it down to burn it) ...

--- Terrance <lycidas2 at> wrote:
> As I said, odd the way some readers will resort to
> reading around and about the words on the page,
> often darting and dodging, looping and leaping
> after elusive allusions and parables political. And
> then there are those linear readings that cut off
> after the first few words and numbers, certain that
> the author's primary interest may be got from just
> a handful of syllables and a reference to a classic.

And then, again, tehre are those readings which never
quite mak it clear just what they have to say about
what they're reading, or even just what they're
reading, period.  God bless 'em all, every one ...

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