TPPM _The Gift_: Sentence 5: public abyss

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Thu Sep 16 09:02:07 CDT 2004

Today, I can relate an experience of public abyss.

Enoch's descriptions of the abyss, being descending
columns of fire, I map on the 9-11 fall of the WTC:
An immense terror, to be locked in, already dead, so
high up, then falling in a high place without a base.

It's the epochal event that informs all divinities,
and lends its terror to one's personal katabasis,
as I felt in 1976; as Plath described in Doomsday,
and Enoch, and Dante described in Purgatory 29-33;
and probably Ozymandias, and other tower stories;
and don't neglect Poe's malestrom, a type of abyss.

It has to do with Babylon, and has to do with sales:
the generation of desire that is not love, deceptive,
not receptive, probably the hypothecation of sodomy.

I was in a mall, reading Understanding the Annointing,
and considering some cheesecake sitting over near me.
Incessant sucking sound came out from her spiritually.

Leaving there, one of the kiosk ladies accosted me,
so indulging, I let her press her right breast into
me while demonstrating a fourteen-prong head massager.
My head was feeling good as a glans, when I felt her
nipple stiffen against me, and I repented, departed.

I took my reading to Carls in another town, saying,
I'll only have local toasters. That is, forget her.

But sitting there, I kept thinking back, pondering
what tantric act was required. How shall I double
unto her double? For my weal or her destruction?

But then, after I changed seats to await coffee,
I saw from peripheral vision the side I had been
sitting on was destroyed. It looked like when you
first move into a new storefront, with no seats,
no decorations, just dusty concrete. It was gone.

The entire time spent on that side went to Hell.

Whereas, on this side, locals gathered, and I
knew one's name was Hector: it probably slipped
spiritually out of the lips of his girlfriend
who'd blown him, as she babbled on in Spanish.
His face was angelic. The fact correlates well.

Another man looked menacing, but I felt my
alien right arm edge out, and we were okay.

We were all loving, when the vector of my view
passed one girl's hand pointing out the others
pudenda, who I then saw appearing flirtatious.

All that was not time wasted, not abyss time.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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