Top Ten

OJM p-list at
Thu Sep 16 11:22:29 CDT 2004

1.  Ulysses, James Joyce
2.  Gravity\'s Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
3.  The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann
4.  The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky
5.  The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
6.  The Alexandria Quartet, Lawrence Durrell
7.  Parade\'s End, Ford Madox Ford
8.  The Moviegoer, Walker Percy
9.  Revolutions Trilogy (Dr. Copernicus, Kepler, The Newton Letter), John Banville
10.  The Death of Virgil, Herman Broch

Close calls:  The Plague, Albert Camus; Demons, Dostoevsky; Lolita, Nabokov; Joseph and His Brothers, Mann; The Master and Margarita, Bulgakov; Moby Dick, Melville; any late period Henry James.


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