TPPM _The Gift_: Sentence 6 of 8.

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Fri Sep 17 04:58:25 CDT 2004

Oops. I skipped 6. You know what? This over-long
sentence doesn't speak to me; As if society were
merely auto-poetic, not ruled by a cognizant God.

 Before the agonized epic of Warlock is
 over with--
 the rebellion of the proto-Wobblies
 working in the mines,
 the struggling for political control of
 the area,
 the gunfighting,
 mob violence,
 the personal crises of those in power--
 the collective awareness that is
 Warlock must face its own inescapable
 that what is called society,
 with its law and order,
 is as frail,
 as precarious,
 as flesh and can be snuffed out and
 assimilated back into the desert as
 easily as a corpse can.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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