sustaining & esxtending the war that never ends

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Fri Sep 17 10:40:49 CDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 09:48, Terrance wrote:
> What is the war that never ends? Theater or Theatre? 

The Pyncher sez "but it is all theatRE."

Checked with the Shorter OED. There is a quote from A. J. P.
Taylor--Austrian baroque civilisation . . was theatre, not reality.

Is this P's meaning? Can't be sure.

The French spelling seems to fit better with the way the word is further
inflected. Theatrical, theatrically, theatric, theatrics.

But if one prefers plain spokeness--after sitting through the double
feature we were all theatERed out.

Dewey is always sound. Which war that never ends is he fighting?

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