Top ten music; Get Chess Club - Find Nerrissa

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Sun Sep 19 06:19:30 CDT 2004

I find myself nodding affirmation to so many
titles on your lists of books, film, music.

Yeah, Yeah, King Crimson! Zeppelin! I would enter
fresh psychoses thinking about Bob Dylan lyrics.

How about Jethro Tull/Aqualung; Thick as a Brick?

One that I heard on the radio for a very brief period,
and thrilled when it came on, but I never persue to go
buy music; Now I searched it out, and plan to buy it.
(Except, the world may end this coming Yom Kippur
feast day, which will be Sat., 2004-09-25) To wit:

Chess Club - Messages: Something's Very Wrong - full-length CD $8

This ain't no gimmick, sunshine! It's a lifestyle!
Let the healing light of Chess Club into your heart.

"It's like a tongue bath for the soul"


 Chess Club: Recorded between 1995 and 1998, this
 seminal work chronicles the imagination of two junior
 chess champions with a dizzying array of found poetry,
 improvisational comedy and music. . . download some
 sample (3.4MB) messages now!

Chess Club
Messages: Something's Very Wrong
(Words: DJ Aaron, Music: Kifbud)

1. Messages (Part I)
2. Day of the Security Guard
3. Awaken
4. Midget Warning
5. Midget Nation (Part I)
6. Midget Nation (Part II)
7. eviL agniyatS
8. Hacksawed Children
9. Messages (Part II)
10. J's Restaurant
11. Fish On!
12. Toothless Wreck
13. Live from the Prime Rate
14. Dedication
15. Freak-o-tron
16. I Make Freaks
17. Front Desk
18. This is the Sound...
19. Good Animals Sex
20. Uncle Phreddie
21. Messages (Part III)
22. Lepers and Sunshine

Hey! I just saved $8 and postage. Debt of love.
All the mp3's are sitting there if I browse as

I can't find a computer with net + sound card.
BTW I ran away from home, camping out at work.
I have a blank CD. Oh wierd, that's not them!
Oh. This is sexual, right up the P-list alley.

Their Midget Nation illuminates P's Nerrissa:
As a girl, under 4 foot wants a full size man;
Later in the same song, brags about his penis.

But of course: Check out the hypertrophied
lip elevator muscles in right-hand picture.

Recommendation: Required. Good for one listen,
especially if meditating on tantra of eschaton.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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