
John M. Krafft krafftjm at muohio.edu
Sat Apr 16 14:47:34 CDT 2005

This is an obsessive collector's query, not a scholarly one:
Does anyone know whether the SparkNotes on Lot 49, possibly
written by one Kyle Hawkins, were ever published in hardcopy as
an actual pamphelt, say, like the old Monark Notes on GR or
even the Kinko's pamphlet on Lot 49? Or do they exist solely
virtually, online, in .html and .pdf?


John M. Krafft
Miami University–Hamilton / 1601 University Blvd. / Hamilton,
OH 45011-3399
Tel: 513.785.3031 or 513.868.2330
Fax: 513.785.3145
krafftjm at muohio.edu

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