Blood Meridian

Bekah bekah0176 at
Tue Apr 19 19:49:59 CDT 2005

At 2:32 PM -0400 4/19/05, Will Layman wrote:
>I have never head BM because I thought ALL THE PRETTY HORSES was one 
>of the most overrated and overwrought books I'd ever read.  I 
>thought that book was somewhat ridiculous ode to the homoerotic 
>power of horses/men out on the open plain.  I couldn't relate to it 
>at all.  And the total lack of humor kind of got to me too.
>Would I like BM more than ATPH?
>-- Will Layman

I've read both All the Pretty Horses and Blood Meridian and  truly, 
I had to check twice to make sure that this was the same McCarthy. 
The books truly didn't feel like they could have been written by the 
same person.   I bought Suttree but not the second book of that 
Border Trilogy (and that about sums it up).

  If All the Pretty Horses is a ridiculous seduction by some 
homoerotic horsemen then Blood Meridian is a vicious rape.   It is 
bleak,  poetic,  stark, grim,  and tragically accurate to a certain 
extent.   Blood Meridian is regularly and correctly called 
terrifying.    I recommend it way over All the Pretty Horses (except 
not to my mom or sister or kids or girl-friend who loved  Hoss 
Cartwright).  (g)    I'm curious what No Country for Old Men will be 
like.  (to be released in July)


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