Pynchon Recommends Blood Meridian?
richard.romeo at
Wed Apr 20 11:02:59 CDT 2005
hi all--found this
Kathleen McNamara
" A dozen years ago, the American West was on my mind. I had finished
writing a book about Alaska, where I had gone to live when younger,
and now wanted a wider, literary perspective on our westward
expansion. The novelist Thomas Pynchon suggested I ought to read a
remarkable work of fiction, BLOOD MERIDIAN OR THE EVENING REDNESS IN
THE WEST, by Cormac McCarthy. His advice was sound. The prose
enthralled, even as the archaic subject of the novel infused the
reader I was then with awe-filled terror."
if true, it would somewhat corroborate the Larroquette show quote that
Pynchon's novel to be published was called "pandemonium of the sun"
which ends one of the chapters in Blood Meridian.
if anything, it proves that Pynchon read BM which is kinda cool
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